Cooking Club

About Cooking Club

The Cooking club is not only for a group of students who already enjoy cooking, or who wants to learn the basics of cooking and baking . At our club we help students to build their basic math skills by counting eggs or pouring water into a measuring cup. We also help them to explore with their senses by increasing cultural awareness and boost their confidence to Kickstart a culinary career.

Key learning areas

Pathways to a purposeful future

Curabitur lobortis

Fusce luctus massa

Pulvinar dapibus

Curabitur lobortis purus non turpis placerat ultricies. Fusce luctus massa id lacus pulvinar dapibus. Nam quis hendrerit mauris, vel lobortis ex

Club Registration Form

    Enter the details of parent and child.

    Year Group

    Name of Class

    Which club do you wish to enroll for

    Which term do you wish to enroll for

    Emergency Contacts

    Other Details